Whether it’s at your house, the airport, or your dorm room, the first true test of college is when you have to say goodbye to the people that you love and care about. It will start with acquaintances and end with your closest friends and family. For most, it will be the people that go to drop you off. That may be your parent(s), siblings, aunts, uncles, or grandparents,. Whomever it may be, saying goodbye for the first time in college is one of the first challenges to overcome.
For me, it was my parents and my brother that helped me move into school. When the time came to say our goodbyes, I’m not going to lie, it was tough. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to cry (I did), it’s okay not to cry, it’s okay to feel scared, or excited, or not know what you feel! Know that it’s hard for everyone to say goodbye but you get to start your next great adventure. And while it may seem hard to say goodbye, remember anyone you need, your mom, siblings, or even your dog, is just a text, phone call, or facetime away (note: pets may need facetime assistance).