Talking to Professors

Going to talk to your professors or GSIs (graduate student instructors, some schools have teachers assistants) can seem incredibly daunting. Remembering that professors and GSIs are human beings too can help you get through the process. You should never feel guilty or nervous about going to see a professor because teaching is their job and seeing students is also a part of that. Both professors and GSIs have office hours, a few hours during the week specifically for students to go and ask question or talk. If you can’t make these hours, email your professor/GSI and let them know, in my experience they are typically understanding of time conflicts and are willing to make other arrangements with you.

Also keep in mind that you can go talk to professors/GSIs about things other than the class you are currently in. Most professors like to get to know their students. Some things you could talk to them about would be their research (if applicable), your interest in the subject they are teaching, classes they may suggest for the future and more.

So remember: don’t feel intimated and get to know them! You’ll get to know an interesting person as well as get your questions answered about the class!