Making Friends in the Dorm

As school is starting up and you may be moving into your dorm, making friends can seem a bit daunting. My number one suggestion for meeting people/making friends in the dorm would be to leave your door open the first couple weeks of school. This is inviting other people to stop by and say hello. Additionally, most people the first few weeks of school will be just as nervous as you at making new friends. I had a door stop that my roommate and I used to keep our door open.

Another thing that was helpful in meeting people in the dorm was we had a white board that was on our door and we wrote something along the lines of "knock if you want a friend". And it actually worked! People would knock to say hi and get to know us. Something else that you can do would be to attend events that your hall or dorm puts on to meet people (at least in the beginning). I know hall meetings aren’t always the most fun but they’re informational and you may make some friends from it!! So just relax and don’t be nervous, everyone is nervous ;)